Perhaps it is not the first, but it is the only method for booking where we could devide the way to make reservations through online payment or installment, having the opportunity to create something totally different from the usual.

Reinventing the method for booking maritime vessels.

Finding the problem.

By carrying out benchmarking, connected to interviews and surveys with users, we found the following pain points and areas of opportunity thanks to qualitative and quantitative information.

Knowing our target (User Personas).

Through interviews and surveys we were able to identify potential prospects for the project.

Creating the body and soul.

Once we've defined the sitemaps and low-fidelity prototypes for our user personas, such as clients, captains, and administrators, we begin to create the graphic components (design system), as well as the high-fidelity prototypes.

It's alive!

After several iterations thanks to usability studies and testings (wow, that was tiring!) we found the way to conclude a project focused on the users involved, solving the problems that got in the way.